Hi there, I'm Catalina

I'm a visual designer that passionately creates solutions for customers. I enjoy going through the whole process from concept definition to assessing in development and launch.
Accessibility Advocate. Problem solver. Cat enthusiast.

2021 - PRESENT
User Experience Assoc Manager

Leading a design team in a Studio, ensuring all criteria is met: from feasibility to accessibility.

2018 - 2021
UX Specialist

Working closely with O365 technologies.

Customer Experience Designer

Roadmap definition, customer journeys and blueprints for a major South America food chain.

2015 - 2018
UI Web Designer

Web designer for Playful.mx, a business innovation consulting agency


Web design and user experience have been my priority for more than 5 years. During the last couple of years I've submerged myself with Microsoft Technologies, learning and implementing best practices surrounding design principles.


Making sure a solutions looks pretty is not the only thing that matters. I am always ensuring deliverables are useful and user centric.


A happy path makes a happy user, and a happy user always comes back. All designs are based on research and data-driven results.

Why Work With Me

I am a hands-on team player and love to invest the necessary time to understand the problem and solve it in the best possible way.


My current go-to design tools for designing UI and prototyping are Sketch + InVision and Figma. I am also proficient in Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator.


I am familiar with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

Figma Icon Sketch Icon InVision Icon Photoshop Icon Illustrator Icon html Icon css Icon

Delivered projects

Listed below are some of the most recent projects I've worked on.

Virtual Event App
Overview: Designed an app that holds event schedules and important links and announcements for quick access. Details

Engagement Value Tracker
Overview: Used to quickly input data to generate a value estimation of an opportunity. Details

Ask Me Anything App
Overview: An app intended to be a bridge between leadership and the team where they are able to submit questions. Details

Agenda Builder for Recurring Meetings
Overview: Add an agenda to each instance of a recurring meeing for your team to be aware of topics ahead of time. Details

Meeting Tracker (accross different timezones)
Overview: Schedule and organize meetings and their attendees. details

Contact details

For any type of online project please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. The fastest way is to send me a message via LinkedIn